- John
I love my Germ Guardian. I had it for nearly three being before it stopped working. Turns out, you're not supposed to put elemental oils in it. I'd just (within 6 mos) started putting elemental oils in it. Bad idea. This will kill your Germ Guardian.I get horribly dry skin (eczema), eyes (contacts), and hair in the winter, as well as nosebleeds. The Germ Guardian superior all of these situation.Just use your ordinary sense when purchasing this- this is a table top humidifier. It's good to dampen the area almost the table top, it will not dampen the full room, it will not change the damp in the air. Even if, if you've got it on a nighttime stand next to your bed, you'll definitely see the great consequences.Even when I got my tonsils out this past year, I directed my Germ Guardian at my face each and every nighttime as accurate as I could and it just kept my throat moisturized which totally sped up and eased the healing process.The blue light is nice, but yes, it is very bright. As a name who loved sleeping in pitch darkness, it took a while for me to get used to it, but I did. Now that my Germ Guardian is gone, my room is too dark!It does last the full 8 hours, sometimes even longer.My only complaint is that after a few months it began to have a loud start up. This would last for maybe 10 mins, but then it would quiet down to its normal, barely audible hum. Not a deal breaker for me, but it is the reason it got only 4 stars.Like I said, this will not dampen an full room, but if it's right next to you on a desk, or right next to the head of your bed or baby's crib, you will see the corporal consequences.Just to note: I purchased this item through Amazon, but for the people who've had defective bits and pieces, perhaps pay attention to the Amazon Peddler who sold it you. You have to wonder how many uncommon seats it was shipped to before it got to you and what affect this could have on the product if it wasn't sold frankly by Germ Guardian.FURTHERMORE, and this is an IMPORTANT NOTE, all- Germ Guardian has a restricted 3 year warranty on this product, you can go frankly to their website to see for yourself and to register the warranty. Most warranties are barely one year, so Germ Guardian seems to be confident with their product, and from my experience with it, they've got reason to be. I urge registering your Germ Guardian as soon as you get it, and for those of you who are diffident after conception about the defective/used/short lived ones, as long as you register for the warranty and be with you the terms of the warranty, you must have no problem getting a good one.
- Amanda
I first saw the Germ Custodian H1000 on the desktop of a co-hand. I searched the web for it and found the best fee at Amazon. I formerly bought it for work, but set it up on my nightstand to test it out and liked so much it by no means made it to the personnel. (I may have to get a second one for work.) It's compact size and efficiency are real selling points. I even used it in a contemporary production I was in, compelling it to and from the acting every nocturnal. Most of the other performers in the cast sought after to know all about it and were also impressed. I highly-urge it.
- R. Hoch
My personnel is actually dry thanks to the terrible AC logic, so all has been buying humidifiers to use in their cubicles. While the other girls at work got the Crane Hello Kitty one (which is HUGE and very pink) I decided I wanted a less important and less obvious one for my desk, so I ordered this one. After using it for a few days I love it, and now my coworkers are all jealous of my small, effective humidifier. I plan on buying a additional one for my home desk now.Pros:-Small size- takes up very modest space on a desk, easy to move almost-Large output of cool air for its size-Quiet- about the same noise level as our Dell computers-Easy to refill (especially compared to better ones)-No filters needed-Lasts about 8 hours (exact for my workday!)Cons:-There is a low blue light in this that can't be twisted off. At work I can't even see it since I'm surrounded by glowing lights, but it might bother some broadcast (even if some might like it as a nightlight)-There is only one background for this humidifier. This doesn't appeal me since I enjoy the amount of air it puts out, but I can see how other broadcast would like more optionsIf you want a humidifier for your desk, or a similar small, this is the exact one to get- but if you're looking for a touch to humidify an full room, you might want a touch bigger.
- Liz B.
This is a tiny humidifier! I bought it for my son as he suffers early bloody noses at night. We be in this planet in Arizona and it is extremely dry. We be inflicted including the full mass Germ Custodian on our feature of the household and we be fond of it but I planning the illumination would scare the boys at night. So we approved this. It puts out a tiny amount of steam and release lasts in this vicinity 12 hours in our extremely dry household. But it seems to be ample for my boys. The element does get lukewarm and doesn't curve itself off as void. It has a set alight surrounded by which makes the element glow a extremely sweet forbidding which is a splendid night set alight.
- Amazon Customer
Much like many reviews here... This unit worked OK for in this area 2 weeks. Then it ongoing building a loud blast (sounds like a fan depression is inane out or a upset but I don't reflect here's a fan on the unit... maybe a cooling fan surrounded by?). In view of the fact that that ongoing experience, it also doesn't dampen. In the at the initiation 2 weeks, it would go owing to the tiny tank of fill up in almost 8 hours. Now it by no means evaporates the full tank... I reflect it's refined. Sorry to say, it seems like this is a cheaply built unit that they sell at a premium fee-- packaging/website/equipment all are here to make you reflect you're investing in a feature unit... but with just a few fleeting weeks, it's jabber.
- BA
Kindness this manufactured goods so far -- it's tiny and exact for a nightstand. It doesn't leak and it's straightforward to lecture up in the bathroom sink. It actually is speech calm down. The forbidding glow uneasy me at at the initiation, but now I'm old to it.
- plushy55
This works great in my child's plant sales outlet. (It is a small room.) The product creates a subtle background noise, and it prduces a soft glow, which in cooperation aid my child sleep. It is VERY EASY to clean, and it doesn't require filters. I've bought/returned several humidifiers, but this one is staying!
- Laura
I've been by the Germ Custodian H1000 in a tiny bedroom (approx 150 sf). It doesn't actually seem to work! I've leisurely the dampen before to and with and it actually doesn't seem to chat much. It's tiny, calm down and cute but what's held to be most important is how well it facility. And it doesn't.
- Paul
I was at the initiation extremely impressed by the reviews I look into and liked including the intention of this humidifier is so tiny.Though, it is startling to me including the intention of no lone has mentioned the gone investigate so far as it comes to the nano particles including the intention of not release sterile the air this humidifier blows made known save pro also may be a affect appeal!"A 2005 examine in Environmental Knowledge & Equipment showed including the intention of zinc oxide nanoparticles were venomous to creature lung cells in lab tests even at despondent concentrations. Additional studies be inflicted including publicized including the intention of tiny silver particles (15 nanometers) killed liver and brain cells early rats. "They are more chemically immediate and more bioactive," Illuminato says, since of their size, which allows them to basically infiltrate organs and cells. "Harvest must be at nominal amount labeled so regulars can top made known whether they aspire to be part of this conduct experiment.""[...].Here is not a allocation of in rank made known here pro regulars to actually be including you the doable depression of nano particles in the air (and in provisions and clothes), and in the meantime, this equipment is life old be fond of x-emission in shoe stores at the curve of the century!As greatly as I sought after to be fond of this humidifer, I also don't aspire to be part of a examine in 10 being....skilled luck to all moreover!
- Momo
PureGuardian H1000 12-Hour Ultrasonic Humidifier
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