- Chi Guy
The unit is a bit noisy on high, but I take a nap fine with it on low and a link of feet from my bed. Seems to do a very good job of being paid moisture into the air even with the fan on low. The casters allocate for easy movement, and the twin tanks are small enough to handle easily even when full.
- Gary S. Kearney "GSKearney"
Classic develop of function following form. The designers were compelled to make this humidifier rotund and swoopy, but in the process made the fill up chambers impracticable to set flat in a sink for big. There is no way to weigh one of these, aside from holding it upright with one hand while running your faucet with the additional. Then it's a delicate balancing act to turn off the faucet while holding multi-gallons of fill up. Unless you have three hands, it takes practice to do it without spilling, and this design defect could have been avoided. Do physically a act of kindness and buy superfluous filters and a humidifier fill up behavior key at the same time as you buy this humidifier. Don't be deceived by the Honeywell strain name. It's made by Kaz, like many additional brands of humidifiers. BTW: it IS noisier than some humidifiers, but not excessively so agreed the area this machine can dampen.
- D. Wardlow "music extremist"
I have replaced the filter on this multiple era this chill---mold advance is a conundrum!!!! Filters definitely do not last a time of year. Good humidifier if willing to deal with this conundrum and spend the money.
- D. Wilson "not so happy"
This element is quiet and definately does its job for being so portable. Absolutely better then the one we have in the furnace. Easy to maintain and clean. I would definately recomend this to anyone in the promote
- W. Leandres
The apparatus facility very well. You can set the desired humidity amount and the apparatus will turn on/off to keep up with the intention of amount. It facility very nicely with today's mandatory air systems and thermostats with the intention of measure the humidity amount. The correct humidity in the air makes for a very comfortable excitement in your house.
- John R. Brown
This humidifier performs as advertised; it's very calm down and is adequate for numerous rooms to a moderately sized household. The dual fill up tanks are easy to carry and fill, and the top looks better (at least to me) than a big, square box with fake wood grain. The base and tanks are very easy to clean compared to other units.Here are a couple of flaws. The fill up tanks look good, but would be easier to fill if they could stand for big. The bent shape of the top means that they need to be propped up in some way. The screw tops that seal the tanks need to be tightened securely. Someone with weak hands may need help or a tool or risk leak.All in all, this is a good humidifier.
- P. Triandafillou "peter-t"
I bought this unit in mid-november for my 2 bedroom apartment construction. By and large it does a good job of maintaining a comfortable level of damp typically almost 45-50%. Even if the unit is constantly ON. It never cycles and this is with the humidistat set at just off of it's buck background and the fan speed on the mid background which will give you fair noise level. What has caused me appeal is how promptly the filter has gotten mouldy and that the air out of the unit smells like musty. I have altered the the Protec cartridge as not compulsory every 30 days and cleaned the filter numerous times per the directions in the blue-collar. I phoned the manufacturer (Kaz not Honeywell) and they say the filter will only last 1 to 3 months and that it needs to be cleaned every week. I keen out that no where in the blue-collar does it state that habitual a cleaning cycle nor such a short filter life and that in-fact it states that the filter must last one time of year. She said sorry and that there is not anything they can or will do other that tell you where you can get a new filter for $11.
- C. Fuchs
I returned the Honeywell 6011i humidifier because the manufactured goods had 2 defects and the manufactured goods was very poorly designed.The 6011i humidifier had 2 defects aptly out of the box. The at the initiation was with the intention of the 6011i humidifier would not run on the Distinguished alacrity background but did run on the low and ordinary alacrity settings. The following defect was with the intention of the cap for one fill up container had no rubber o-look seal and the fill up pot leaked as upright in its habitual in commission dash. The detail with the intention of this 6011i humidifier had 2 defects says with the intention of the feature control for this manufactured goods must be very low and implies this manufactured goods suffers early an privileged than norm obstruction rank.The 6011i humidifier has foremost top defects with the intention of get on to it difficult to operate and keep up the 6011i humidifier. The top defects are somajor with the intention of the nature(s) with the intention of designed and approved the top of the6011i humidifier must be shot or at least fired! The at the initiation foremost top defect is with the intention of the fill up bottles will not stand up by themselves in my sink. Because of this I must call the fill up containers vertically with my hand and still cannot absolutely lecture the fill up container to the top.The screw-on caps for the fill up containers are so large they are difficult for my partner with tiny hands to screw on while ground the fill up container vertically upright.The at that calculate top defect is with the intention of one cannot at a glance try out the fill up level in the fill up containers but must pick up the fill up containers and curve them over to try out the fill up level in the container. One can see if the fill up container is void or near void at a glance, but this is of no use if one desires to promptly see if here is ample fill up in the fill up containers to last in anticipation of one returns family early bring about or will last through the nocturnal.The last top defect of the 6011i humidifier is with the intention of the fill up containers and humidifier fan housing do not just "decline into house" on the dishonest. One must use one hand as a handbook for the fill up container and at that calculate still fiddle with the dash/slant of the fill up container to get it to seat properly. This is flush extra difficult if in cooperation fill up containers are indifferent for big at the constant calculate.I bought this 6011i humidifier to replace a Honeywell humidifier with the intention of finally failed after loads of being of faithful benefit. I also elected the 6011i Humidifier because of its loads of sought after facial appearance. However the clear manufactured goods facial appearance were much outweighed by the indigent feature control and the indigent top of the 6011i Humidifier. I believe with the intention of a humidifier must be designed for usability at the initiation and esthetics following, not the other way almost as is the case with the 6011i humidifier. Hence I returned the 6011i humidifier.
- Sally in Colorado
The release conundrum is a tendancy of the filter to become decomposed, save pro this is easily remedied by count 1/16 Plaque or so of ammonia to each of 2 reservoirs with the intention of you fill with water. This will ward off the mold. Approve of extra filters. This apparatus is extremely calm down relative to the amount of damp with the intention of it puts out (consequently the filter enclosure is likewise extra humid, and tends toward mold extra easily).
- T. Williams "Tdub"
Honeywell HCM-6011i QuietCare 11-Gallon Console Humidifier with Air Washing Technology
Honeywell QuietCare 11 Gallon Console Humidifier with Air Washing Technology delivers even more-calm down performance. Air Washing Technology: Ionizer and pre-filter washes the air as it humidifies. Protec Cleaning Cartridge & Antimicrobial treated filter helps provide fresher, cleaner mist and extends filter life. Replacement Filter: HC-14