- Greenblat
We be inflicted including tried all kinds of humidifiers - ultrasonic, blowers, etc. Tried privileged priced honeywell model (Honeywell HWM450 Quick Steam Warm Dampness Humidifier) - which works fair, but is noisy steamy noise.We originally bought the Honeywell HWM-910 through Target almost 2003 and liked it so much and went and bought two more. My wife threw out several of them when I didn't clean out the heating element (flush though I could of cleaned it and modest on using it. I had left them sitting in garage over the summer and looked be fond of trash to her). Next spring, unattractively clean them out and put them in kind storage box!Found having two of them in the bedroom at low setting was perfect - got the volume of damp and didn't be inflicted including to refill them at nocturnal...lasts I think at least 12 hours at the low setting.I be inflicted including been spending quite a bit of time researching the different humidifiers void.The Duracraft DWM250 is the same product as the Honeywell HWM-910 but is about $5 a reduced amount of and through Amazon comes including free shipping if you buy over $25. The cheapest Honeywell HWM-910 is $36.50 (including shipping factored in) when you buy from Amazon affiliate. Given it's the same product and manufacturer and just a different marketing brand logo of Duracraft instead of Honeywell, I choose the Duracraft model (saving over $11.50 per order). I just bought 3 more of the Duracraft humidifiers and I expect them to last for years. We live in semi-arid environment and in the chill the damp is very low.We'll plan on rotary down the excitement to rest of the household and use these to care for us warm and comfortable damp amount while sleeping.I check wikipedia and it discussion about Honeywell brand and Kaz company and Duracraft which are just marketing brands of the same product.If anyone finds a better combination of value and routine, unattractively consider a further brand/model in future, but for now I think the time I washed-out into researching is paying off. Just sought after to stop being paid products that go to the landfill much too quickly and get some value.You can permanently buy extra water tanks and pre-fill them and place them in opportunity if you want to replace the water at nocturnal but not bother to refill (if you use single one humidifier at high setting). It is $15.99 ($19.94 including shipping, so probably makes sense to just buy a further humidifier at a reduced amount of than $25)[...]Notice that this water tank can be used including in cooperation Duracraft DWM250 and Honeywell HWM-910.
- localsurf "localsurf"
This humidifier may lack options that expensive ones be inflicted including, but it is soothe a skilled transact business. The signal is silent and the water reservoir has two handles on top and bottom for your convenience. It does not require a filter since it does not be inflicted including any filtering process. The buttons for "high" or "low" humidicifations are all you need and that pretty much all it has. The weak point is that the water reservoir is so small that you need to fill it again after the use of a nighttime. And the "initiation" pin does not be inflicted including any suggestion whether it is pressed or not (you be inflicted including to listen to it untill it sounds to heat the water). Overall, it's a practical humidifier and a low price.
- K. Lee
I have gone owing to reasonably a few humidifiers. I had one like this before, after a few being it gave in because I by no means cleaned it (bring shame on on me). Then I tried a few ultrasonic (ultraexpensive) humidifiers, which actually only just consequence in the damp up (I have a hygrometer). So I unbendable to buy this one over again, and am as lucky as with the first one. If you want your room to boost in damp, not dredge up about persons ultrasonics and go for this one. Cheap and good.
- Minoesje
I really be fond of this humidifier and be inflicted including been on the extremely tiresome journey to discover made known which humidifier will work pro me, whether cool or lukewarm mist is best and which in detail does what it says the constant as all else. I get on to normal sinus infections and am in splendid call for of a humidifier at this calculate in the northeast all owing to the coolness months including the heat. I only constantly don't believe skilled without one. Pro over 10 being I be inflicted including old cool mist humidifiers. I honestly by no means thorough a lukewarm one. The continue one I had was a Holmes and it was certainly not low-cost. I took skilled trouble of it and it soothe worked only 1 time. The filters were high-priced and the element was extremely loud Continue time as it worked it worked water supply, keep pro continue chill it worked only half the calculate. I did not admit everywhere to curve.A supporter not compulsory a lukewarm air humidifier and I looked into it and liked what I read. I at that calculate researched, conception reviews and customer observations - flush by Consumer Crash. I modest appearance in trade to this one and proverb the matured mixture of clear and negative reviews. I read all the negatives and proverb that most were looking pro the humidifier to do or be extra than it understood it was.I be in this planet in a studio apartment construction and the humidifier says it is pro place to pause 400 to 700 check feet. Exact pro me. It also says that it runs up to 12 hours on one big and it does. As I go on it on the low alacrity it lasts 12 hours only so. The in rank also say to clean painstakingly it before to the initially aid. This is extremely valuable. Including a touch be fond of a humidifier it is extremely valuable to pause on all in rank. If you do not, you don't be inflicted including a aptly to irk if it does not work accurately. This humidifier is extremely easy to clean/keep up and also extremely easy to lecture. If you do not aspire to be big it each 12 hours or extra at that calculate get on to a uncommon humidifier. Pro me, it is extremely unadorned and easy consequential I call for to easily lecture it each 12 hours.The humidifier also makes no blast at all on any the distinguished or low alacrity. I discover that as running it constantly on low my damp amount is exact and I believe splendid. This apparatus does only so what it says it does so get on to guaranteed that it will fit your desires. It is easy to aid/keep up - so greatly simpler than a cool mist humidifier. I will by no means restore to a cool mist one over again.I vastly urge this element and say only get on to guaranteed it is what you aspire before to purchasing. Desire this helps you including your humidifier decisions.
- barry
My grandparents had a cabin in Canada, and their "humidifier" was a shovel satiated of snow in a big pot on the wood stove. Ah...those were the days. At once forward to the present, in my home without a wood stove, to a complaining wife and stuffy baby. What I thought was a seemingly easy task turned into a nightmare, thanks to the internet and Amazon reviews.The type was easy. Cool mist is too decomposed (unless they are modest clean, and let's be realistic, who in fact cleans humidifiers?) and filters are pricey, ultrasonic has the added benefit of the "colorless powder" in the air and settling on everything, and the whole-home kind that are attached to the furnace ducts aren't really made for small excitement pump HVAC be fond of I be inflicted including in my household. So, warm mist it was, and I started on my journey to find the perfect one.And it was a journey. I found fancy ones including all sorts of features, and cheap ones that made steam. All had one thing in ordinary, those that hated them and gave them one star, and those that loved them and gave them more stars.Meanwhile, my wife borrowed her mother's humidifier, which happened to be a loads of year old version of this particular one. It's the same humidifier we've borrowed every year in view of the fact that my wife and I got married five years ago. After playing including the perception of a UV lighted, mineral pad saturated, multi-gallon capacity, built-in hygrometer monster, I decided to get two of these units instead--at a cheaper price. Why?For one, my mother-in-law's element subdue runs be fond of a champ after all this use. We really single use it at nocturnal for sleeping. The trick is to fill it up and run it on high while being paid ready for bed, and then turn it on low when going to sleep. The water lasts all nocturnal and it increases the damp nicely.For two, loads of of the features offered on more expensive models are all but a waste of time. So loads of people complain about filling the things--is it really that hard to walk to the sink once a day? In order to kill airborne microorganisms, a lot more is looked-for than the tiny UV set alight offered in other humidifiers. If the built-in hydrometer is out of whack, too bad! Mineral filtration pads? Unless a person is unlucky enough to live in a "liquid rock" area, a skilled wiping including paper towel soaked in vinegar once a week is all that's looked-for to clean the heating element.Sometimes, a reduced amount of is more, and I believe this is definitely the case including humidifiers.
- Michael Shaw
The plastic on this model is pretty thin and flimsy, so I'm always afraid I am going to accidentaly snap or crack a part (like the screw-on lid) and completely destroy the product or render it useless, but the overall engineering design is really good, it is subdue working after about a year, great for baby, great for me. For the price I am satisfied, but I wish they would make more of a "mercedes" model for a slightly higher price that uses the same design, maybe a little more equipment for the controls and more durable plastic. I love the fact that the water tank is removable, fillable and sealed push to for the trip in trade to the element, no pouring or spilling involved. I bought this model because it has the same water tank and mist tower design as a Sunbeam cool mist humidifier that my parents used on me as a baby (which I subdue have and use for my son), and that thing is damn near indestructible.
- J. LeVitre
While planned as a 2-1/2-Gallon Lukewarm Mist Humidifier, in fact its room is a fraction of with the intention of. Most likely the rationale pro this illusory description is with the intention of it can put with the intention of amount of water out as mist in a day, save pro to do so requires refillings. It is not clear at which setting, Distinguished or Despondent output, this aver is made, doubtless the former.
- Wiggy "Wiggy"
I spent literally hours researching humidifiers and hope my experience will aid you make a good purchase.At this time are my conclusions:1. It is near impossible to find a good quality humidifier and many people (myself included) get frustrated with the search. Who knew humidifiers were so tricky to make!?2. The best one on the promote seems to be the "Air-O-Swiss AOS Ultrasonic Humidifier - 7135" at a cost of over $140. It seems that unless you are willing to open your wallet for this fastidious develop, finding a good humidifier is a crapshoot and you might as well get the cheapest one that seems to work. Every humidifier has reports of malfunctions and/or indigent craft. Even this develop has over 10% reports of malfunction. Other than that, though, common only complaint has to do with mistaken advertising related to the size of the tank.3. My purchase: I have had the Duracraft DMW250 for a few weeks and have not had any issues with it.This product seems to be exactly the same as the "HONEYWELL/ENVIRACAIRE HWM910 Warm Moisture 2 Gallon Humidifier by Honeywell/Enviracaire." It only has a 1 gallon tank but it works well for my bedroom and has greatly improved the air quality during our New England winters. I no longer wake up with sore throats and dry lips. I fill up it basically every day and it lasts for about 14 hours on the low setting. I don't have to worry about buying and replacing filters because this is a warm mist humidifier, although I could pay more in my electric bill than I would for a cool mist since it takes more energy to excitement the water. It is virtually silent! You will hear a small "gurgle" or "bubble bubble" once in a while but that's it. It's construction seems flimsy but it's really easy fill and take apart for cleaning. It's one of the smallest amount expensive models and it works well.4. My advice? Don't spend a lot of time researching. A good quality humidifier simply does not exist.Buy the Air-O-Swiss if you have the money, or purchase the cheapest develop you can find that has a lot of reviews and a decent to good review average (statistical research suggests that people review things either when they are really happy or really unhappy). Amazon's prices are better than other places I tried and their product reviews were aligned with other consumer reports.
- Adam
This is my third lukewarm mist humidifier. They just don't last very long. The cool mist ones don't look to make the opportunity more humid. The last one I had (which looked akin to this) lasted two years, and the rubber lid part at the bottom dried up during the summer (when it was not in use) and cracked. My initially one only last one time. I am resigned to the fact with the intention of I will likely have to buy a humidifier each 1-2 years, so I'd surpass not spend a lot for them. This one works well, and on the despondent setting, can last 10-11 hours. This setting is enough for my medium sized opportunity. On distinguished output, it goes through the fill up very promptly, and if your opportunity is small, will feel tropical. The one thing I don't like about this one is with the intention of with putting the dial on the much loved setting, you still have to push a "initiation" button to make it initiation putting made known mist.
- Anonymous "amazon junkie"
Duracraft DWM250 2-1/2-Gallon Warm-Mist Humidifier
Lukewarm mist humidifier provide bacteria vapor for tiny-medium place to pause.
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