- C. G. "Upper Hand"
I have never on paper a assess for a manufactured goods but since this humidifier has been such a huge disappointment and waste of money I feel compelled to warn others. The chief conundrum is that the fan sucks up water and endlessly drips, very at full number! It is very grating. In the middle of the night I have tried alternative up the body off of the base, shaking it to drain all the water out of the fan, but 10 outline later it's right back to drip, drip, drip. Of way you want to get a humidifier to boost the damp in your room, but this one does not do the job. We have a digital damp detector, after in succession this humidifier, full of water at the peak background for more than 24 hours the damp level in the room only altered by 1 percent, 22% to 23%. A comfortable damp level for a room needs to be at least 30%. We have an older Honeywell humidifier for which I just purchased new filters and the first night we ran it, the damp in the room jumped to 35% and has consistently been in the 30s every time we run the humidifier. So I am fastidious not only does the Slant/Fin GF-240 have the most grating dripping habit but it doesn't even do the job of count damp to the room. Save your money and spend it on a humidifier that works!
- L. Baitis
So far I really like my new Slant/Fin GF-240 1.9 Ga Germ-Free Cool Mist Evaporative Humidifier. The features I like best about it are the large capacity water tank, the ease of filling the tank, the use of tap water without getting mineral deposits and colorless dust, and its quietness on low fan. This humidifier is much better than the last two I owned. The first was a cool mist machine that sprayed fine droplets of water all over the room. The other was a hot mist machine that clogged up with mineral deposits in the water and had to be cleaned with Lime Away about once per week. Needless to say, we have very hard water, but I have had no problems using it in my new Slant/Fin GF-320 humidifier.
- John Wayne Cooper
Just don't estimate it to humidify a total household. I use this to humidify a lavender storage space room, so including the intention of detail including the intention of it does not initiation steam is a clear, as is the uv sanitization. The feeler does a good job of maintenance the damp level surrounded by 5% of my desired level. I've been using one for being including no tribulations and no mold, so when it finally gave up, I ordered a additional to exchange it. The first uv bulb by no means burned out. I fill the reservoir including water from my back osmosis spigot, extremely than tricky water from the tap, so including the intention of has doubtless helped its lifespan.
- Office Rat
Slant Fin GF-240 1.9 Gallon Germ-Free Cool Mist Evaporative Humidifier
Keeping air humidified, mainly in winter months, helps keep respiratory systems adequately hydrated to prevent colds and other ache. How are we particular that the water we're using is free of any pathogenic microorganisms? Slant Fin GF-240 1.9 Gallon Germ-Free Cool Mist Evaporative Humidifier uses UltraViolet (UV) rays to help eliminate those potentially detrimental germs. Ultraviolet light (UV) is an invisible wavelength of the light we receive starting the sun. The frequency of this light irritates and destroys pathogenic and infectious microorganisms. UV is used to sterilize medical gear. Humidification is remedial in dry areas because its helps keep breathing passages moist sufficient to prevent bacteria and viruses starting infecting them. Yet water can have naturally in the facility microorganisms as water supply. The Slant Fin GF-240 cool mist humidifier uses UV to eliminate detrimental microorganisms starting entering the air as mist. UV is the most commanding road to sterilize the water lacking any detrimental odors or compound agents. So breathe deeply, safely, and sound as you aid the Slant Fin GF-240 Humidifier to humidify the air in your room. It takes health to a higher level of routine. It's safer for allergy and asthma sufferers (please friend doctor prior to aid). The Slant Fin GF-240 is room humidification that's prudent, unadorned, clean, and silent. No white dust - minerals do not enter room air that you breathe or descend on surfaces Portable and striking top for any room furnishings Water supply-located EZ Soubriquet, EZ lecture built-in on void-out reservoir Fill up indicator light Replacement UV bulb indicator light 1.9 Gallon room Runs 24 hours on one fill up Far more commanding than go on of the mill evaporative humidifiers that do not eradicate all bacteria, molds, and particularly spores Flexible damp output settings Runs up to 24 hours at low speed on one full reservoir There's no white dust so minerals won't enter the room air t
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